Tag Archives: master’s degree

“Birkbeck’s Consultancy Challenge in partnership with PA Consulting has prepared me well for a successful career”

In this blog, Dr David Gamblin, module convenor of the Consultancy Challenge and Programme Director for MSc Management Consultancy and Organisational Change, shares more information about the consultancy project students are offered with PA Consulting, a global management consultancy. Three students share their experiences of taking part in the challenge.

Birkbeck students celebrating the end of their Consultancy Challenge projects with their clients, mentors and supervisors

It is always a particular highlight of the academic year to witness the students complete their Consultancy Challenge projects. Over a busy 12-week consultancy cycle, the students work diligently from the initial scoping of the briefs with their client, all the way to the final presentation of deliverables – with plenty of rapport building, teamwork, data collection, and problem solving along the way.

These projects are an ideal exposure to the world of consultancy, with student teams working with real clients, on real problems that the clients need solving. The impact is real too, and with the projects’ focusing on the charity sector, it means that the students are making a beneficial difference to organisations, staff, and volunteers who are serving often vulnerable populations.

Whilst the work is challenging, the student teams are supported along their journey by PA Consulting who provide expert mentorship and guidance. Through PA’s approach of continuous feedback, the students are challenged to deliver work that PA would be proud of, in a supportive and stimulating environment. This provides the students with the perfect opportunity to put their knowledge and learning into practice, and learn crucial consultancy skills over the project and beyond.

My sincerest thanks go out to all of the consultants at PA with whom we have the pleasure of working, for providing our students with their support and expertise. The collaboration is approaching a decade now, and it is truly rewarding to reflect on the student journeys each year, how they have grown from this rich experience, and the difference that can be made through this innovative relationship.

Birkbeck students with PA Consultants and Birkbeck supervisors

Student testimonial, Ma. Teresa Manrique, Consultancy Challenge 2023
The Consultancy Challenge was the highlight of the MSc Management Consultancy and Organisational Change degree for me. It gave me the opportunity to apply and refine the skills I had learned throughout the course, and to test my knowledge with the guidance of my mentors and tutors.

Working with PA and the client was a valuable experience. They treated our team with professionalism and engaged with us as professionals, not as students. After presentations, they gave feedback on our performance and how we could improve. The challenge taught me how to work in a multicultural and dynamic setting. I learned how to adapt to British culture and how to work effectively with colleagues and clients from different backgrounds. I also learned the importance of being resourceful and assertive in order to deliver on commitments. Having worked for a client in a line of work that I had no experience in was especially rewarding. It gave me the opportunity to learn about their advocacy and to develop my own skills in this area.

Overall, the Consultancy Challenge has made me more confident in my ability to seek employment in the UK. I am now ready to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained to make a significant contribution to any organization. I have also made some valuable connections with other students and professionals in the field of management consultancy. I am confident that these relationships will continue to benefit me throughout my career. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the Consultancy Challenge. It has been a challenging but rewarding experience, and I am confident that it has prepared me well for a successful career in management consultancy.

Student testimonial, Tonia-Lee Smith, Consultancy Challenge 2023
I had the opportunity to participate in the Consultancy Challenge, not only as a member of the team but also as a team facilitator. David had warned us that it wasn’t called the Consultancy Challenge for name’s sake, but that it was designed to challenge us to grow and work in a way that we hadn’t previously and find innovative solutions to our problems.

I’ve spent most of my time in academic settings and my work experience had been in more casual environments, so, while I was excited to be working with and learning from PA, I was also nervous, as I didn’t know what to expect. PA did an amazing job at setting the tone from the beginning and managing expectations. My mentor, Hannah, was the key to our success in the project. She was great at anticipating the needs of our group and the client’s as well. Her experience and authenticity helped us feel more comfortable in our roles. PA did a thorough job offering feedback and Hannah did a great job of helping us apply the advice in a practical way.

I’ve learned a lot about delegation, project management, leadership, the importance of a strong and consistent work ethic, and of course consulting with a client and that’s not even the entire list. This experience, though more challenging than I could have imagined, is something I would do again. The tips and help I received from everyone involved in the process is invaluable to me and are things that I’ve already started applying in both my professional and personal life and I’m sure will be most useful to me as I delve deeper into my career.

Birkbeck students celebrating the end of their Consultancy Challenge project with Emily Hill, Principal Consultant at PA, and Dr David Gamblin, Consultancy Challenge convenor at Birkbeck

Student testimonial, Ngozi Anuforo, Consultancy Challenge 2022
The Consultancy Challenge offered me a personal and professional challenge and it was a fantastic opportunity to draw together my learning on the Master’s degree.

I found the challenge inspiring and valued the way in which working on a real organisational dilemma created the chance to draw on the support and guidance from experienced colleagues at PA Consulting and Birkbeck. I gained a huge amount from the diversity and range of skills and knowledge amongst the other students in my team.

I would highly recommend the Consultancy Challenge to anyone wanting to grow their professional confidence and ability to deliver effective consultancy practice with a high degree of insight and reflection. Undertaking the challenge enabled me to bring existing experience and knowledge to the fore, and motivated me to continue expanding, and deepening my practice, as a consultant.

Further information

Meet the international student: Ekhomalomen Inegbenose Pierre, from Nigeria

Recipient of the International Excellence Scholarship, Ekhomalomen Inegbenose Pierre came to Birkbeck to study MSc Information Technology. Here he shares more about his background and experience, and even gives tips to future Birkbeck students. 

Ekhomalomen Inegbenose Pierre

Discovering myself at Birkbeck and beyond 

Birkbeck wasn’t just a college to me; it was a revelation. Nestled in Bloomsbury, this esteemed institution gave me more than just an MSc in Information Technology – it handed me a kaleidoscope through which I saw the vibrant hues of life, both academically and personally. 

My Birkbeck and London love affair 

I vividly recall my first evening class at Birkbeck; the room echoed with a medley of accents, reminding me of London’s cultural symphony. Conversations shifted from coursework to personal anecdotes, from hometown tales to shared dreams. In that diversity, I found camaraderie. Beyond Birkbeck’s walls, London became my playground. From spontaneous weekend trips to Brick Lane for its famous curries to late-night study sessions at quirky cafes in Shoreditch, every corner of this city whispered stories and secrets. 

To all future Birkbeck international scholars 

Dear future Birkbeckian, dive headfirst into everything! That small seminar you’re thinking about? Attend it. The group from class planning a walk along the river Thames? Join them. Each experience, no matter how trivial it seems, adds a brushstroke to your London canvas. 

Trials, tribulations, and triumphs 

Juggling coursework, London’s allure, and bouts of homesickness wasn’t always a walk in Hyde Park. The UK’s academic approach, emphasizing self-study and critical analysis, often overwhelmed me, but I knew it was an important learning curve. My coffee-fueled nights, deciphering complex IT problems, were punctuated by Skyping family and sharing laughs. A tip? Embrace every challenge; they’re often veiled lessons.  

Hidden gems: my sanctuaries in the city 

There’s a small nook in the British Museum, away from the usual tourist buzz, where I often lost myself among ancient scripts. It became my thinking spot, my refuge from the rigours of coursework. 

Outside Bloomsbury, the quaint bookshops along London’s famous South Bank became my haven. Nestled with a book, against the backdrop of the Thames, I found serenity amidst the city’s bustle. 

Internships and insights 

Midway through my course, I stumbled upon an internship opportunity with a tech startup during a Birkbeck mixer. As a Junior Systems Developer, I wasn’t just coding; I was imbibing the entrepreneurial spirit of London’s tech scene. That startup environment, with its blend of chaos and creativity, its failures and triumphs, taught me resilience and innovation. My MSc journey at Birkbeck, intertwined with London’s charm, has been a rollercoaster of emotions, experiences, and epiphanies. It’s a chapter of my life I’d reread endlessly, cherishing each word, each memory.  

A guide to mentoring PhD students

What constitutes a good PhD mentor and mentee? In this blog, Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele from the Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication shares his thoughts on how to navigate PhD supervision for both students and supervisors.

Two women chatting

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

I was recently invited to contribute a chapter on the supervision of doctoral students and one the delicate management of the supervisor–supervisee relationship from the first contact to the post-graduation goodbye (Dewaele, 2020).  Having led 26 Birkbeck students to their PhD as first supervisor allowed me to reflect on the uniqueness of each relationship and on the commonalities.  I realise that my perceptions might help current PhD students in handling their relationship with their supervisor(s) and their fellow students.

The most crucial aspect is the establishment of a relationship of trust and mutual respect, where constructive criticism is appreciated, where the scientific creativity and independence of the student is encouraged and where the student’s expectations are handled appropriately.

As in any relationship, there may be moments of strain and crisis and it is the supervisor’s responsibility to deal with this in a professional manner. Good supervisors are close to their students but not too close and the distance can change over time. In their book about the supervision of MA students, Harwood and Petrić (2017) explain that “different supervisees need supervisors to occupy different roles at different times” (p. 9).

I realise that as a PhD supervisor I am typically more directive at the beginning of the research project and allow more freedom and flexibility later on.  It is not unlike relationships parents have with their children, allowing them gradually more independence until they reach adulthood.

Metaphors are particularly useful in grasping abstract concepts. In the satire, Candide, ou l’Optimisme (1759), Voltaire famously wrote in the conclusion “il faut cultiver son jardin”, meaning “that we must take care of our garden”, away from the hustle and bustle. It is good to visualise a PhD research project as a private garden, to which the student can retreat to tend it, to plant flowers, to prune the trees lovingly, and to wonder where to install that water feature or statue. Spending some time in the garden is good for the garden and for the gardener’s soul, though digging can cause blisters to appear.  Conversations with fellow students allows a useful comparison of gardens. It helps understand that bigger is not necessarily better and that gardens can come in all colors, shapes and sizes.

I have had some interesting exchanges with students about the PhD being a transformative experience because it forces one to do a lot of thinking.  And because it is so long and so intense it can -and should- trigger cognitive and emotional restructuring. Students come out of this as more resilient, independent and confident (and sometimes also humbler) people.

It is also crucial to understand that comparisons with other (former or current) students can only be superficial and that having more or less of this can only refer to a very small part of a much bigger hidden picture.  My colleagues and myself love all our PhD students who work hard.  They are all bright and the fact that one can jump higher, or run faster, or cook better should be of no concern to the others.  Being unique individuals means they all have unique strengths and weaknesses.  They all face unique challenges that may sometimes stop them from reaching their full potential (like long-standing family or work issues, or a momentary problem like a numbing migraine at the viva).  And that is OK too, because each student gives it their all – professional, family and health situation permitting.

This reminds me of karate where it is also crucial not to compare oneself too much with fellow karate-ka.  Some are great at kumite (fighting), others are great at kata (choreographed patterns of 20 to 70 moves, with stepping and turning, that have to be executed while attempting to maintain perfect form), others might not excel at either but have great resilience, attitude and humility.  The standard for the black belt varies slightly according to age and health.  Being 18 or 70 makes a difference, and yet both are able to get the black belt if they can show that they have mastered the techniques and the spirit of karate, and that they are as fit as they can be and can take a solid kick in the stomach.

It is the same for getting a PhD. Supervisors make sure that students reach the threshold but how far they go above it is not really crucial. If they can, of course, they should.  That’s also why I’m so happy that no grade is awarded for a British PhD.  It either Pass or not Pass, like a driving test. If former students later end up winning prizes for their work, everybody will be proud of them, but if they don’t, they won’t be loved any less!


Dewaele, J.-M. (2020). Supervising doctoral students and managing the supervisor-supervisee relationship. In L. Plonsky (Ed.), Professional development in applied linguistics: A guide to success for graduate students and early-career faculty. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 153-163.  https://doi.org/10.1075/z.229.11dew

Harwood, N., & Petrić, B. (2017). Experiencing Master’s supervision. Perspectives of international students and their supervisors. London: Routledge.

Zhanna Chenenk: studying theatre at Birkbeck

Moscow native and former MA Text and Performance student, Zhanna Chenenk reflects on her year at Birkbeck.

What made you decide to study at Birkbeck?

I was looking for an MA in theatre. I was intrigued by the Text and Performance course thanks to its mix of academic and practical disciplines with the bonus of being able to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA).

Could you tell us about moving to London?

When I was sixteen I moved from my parents’ house in a small town close to Saint-Petersburg in Russia. That was a very stressful experience; a big city, a different culture, a huge distance (2000 kilometres) between myself and my family. Before coming to Birkbeck I had moved and travelled a lot and lived in many different cities, but it is still very hard to start from scratch in a new place. I arrived just before the course began and spent around a month searching for the right accommodation. I encountered many different people which was an interesting introduction to London life.

How was it coming to study at Birkbeck at first?

Before I applied for the course I met with a Birkbeck representative in Moscow to clarify some issues and later, when I was in London she took me on a tour of the campus and RADA. I liked the arts building as there is no logic to the room locations and you can easily find an empty space for a rehearsal.

Have you encountered any difficulties? How is the British system different from your country’s? Have you been to study skills sessions?

It was hard getting used to the British system, and once you’ve learned to cope with it, the year is over. Writing in a different language is a challenge in itself, but in addition this you are writing in many different ways; academic and narrative style, essays, scripts and portfolios. You even have to perform on stage in English – but I finally feel very comfortable using it. Now I feel it in my body. My program involved constant switching between practice and academic lessons and I wish I had more time to perfect everything.

What is it like living in London?

It took time getting used to London. Sometimes I loved it. I enjoyed wandering through the jungle of a city with my sketch book, but sometimes it was very oppressive. To escape these feelings, I travelled to new places like Berlin or Paris or Palestine, or even within the UK. I especially liked going to Brighton, Liverpool and Manchester! Most recently I discovered the Yorkshire Sculpture Park! The transport in London is also tricky to get used to and although I loved the poeticism of night buses, I hated using them during the day. Ultimately, opinions of cities are always built out of the opportunities that they give, and the connections you make. Not just the bricks and mortar which make it up.

Have you made friends on your course?

My course was international, so I’ve gained many connections across the world over the year. I participated in workshops and took on internships, so I’ve been able to build up my professional contacts to build a career upon.  London has been good to me. Whilst here I’ve met people who I have connected easily with. And even if some of them leave the UK soon I know that I have gained a wealth of friendships. I found my tribe here.

What has been your highlight of your time in London and at Birkbeck?

I would say that it has been good for me to review some of my personal values. Some of the things which were once important to me suddenly became very small. The same with my relationships; I revised all of them. I started to draw and take photos again. And I started writing. I found my experiences in London coming back to me in Berlin, when my friend asked me write a short story for his magazine. Thanks to the development of my language skills I was able to do this in in one morning and drew a picture to accompany it.

Can you tell us a little more about your dissertation?

I chose a practical path for my dissertation. For this I did a presentation – a 30-minute production and an 8000-word analytical portfolio. I chose to focus on women’s choices and the freedom to shape yourself as an artist. I have really enjoyed it, because I have had time to focus on one thing that I find interesting. It has also allowed me to make mistakes in the safety of an academic framework. I’m happy that I have had time to make these mistakes as they have taught me valuable lessons.

What are you doing since you completed your studies at Birkbeck?

I took on a thorough research tasks for my performance and now I have material to extend the performance into a trilogy. But, for now I am applying to take part in festivals for emerging directors with the presentation I created as a part of my dissertation. As for my other plans, details of these can be found in newspapers.

Further information:

Spotlight on: Bio-business

Current and former students of Birkbeck’s MSc Bio-business discuss how the course, which focuses on entrepreneurship and business in the bioscience industry, has impacted their lives and careers.

Sophie DeFries, Bio-business alumna: I obtained my BSc from St Andrews in Cell/Molecular Biology then went on to receive an MSc from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Medical Microbiology. My post-university work experience has been in market research and consulting in the healthcare industry. I began at a market research agency in the oncology business unit solving pharmaceutical client brand strategy needs. Currently, I work for a marketing and sales management consultancy where client projects have a wide scope of therapy areas, drugs, and business objectives.

I was drawn to Bio-business because it’s meant I’ve been able to transition between laboratory-based sciences to commercial/business world of science and healthcare. It’s been useful for figuring out what specifically in the bio-business industry is appealing to me. The number one benefit, I would say, is that the course connected a great group of like-minded, smart, and driven classmates, and London is a perfect city to study in – international and diverse, lots of jobs and networks, and a fun atmosphere.

Developing my business skills has been very useful for working in consulting and understanding business jargon. The fact that the course has a connection between business and science has allowed me to analyse the biotech and pharma market independently and with confidence.

Alba Ruzafa Martín, Bio-business student: I studied Biology back home in Madrid and after working in a lab for one year I decided that “lab-life” wasn’t for me. Then I decided that industry would be an interesting path to follow, so I started to look for a master’s and I found Bio-business at Birkbeck. For me, it was the perfect option. Not only because of the modules on offer but also because I needed (and still do need) to work full time.

For the first year and a half of the master’s I was a sales assistant, but the experience and knowledge I gained through the course has enabled me to get an internship in Imperial Innovations at Imperial College London, where I have been working for the last almost five months.

The best thing about studying in London for me is the number of different people you get to know. You learn something new every day, you can go to a new place every time you go out. I am not going to lie to you, the city is freaking expensive and sometimes it gets a bit hard. But for me, it has been totally worth it.

Igor Smyriov, Bio-business alumnus: I had been looking for a master’s degree in business with a focus on biotech and life science for more than two years before I found the MSc Bio-business at Birkbeck. It had everything I was looking for: the option to study part-time in the evening, the central London location, and a huge variety of modules to study.

I was surprised to find so many highly regarded industry professionals, as well as Birkbeck academics, involved in delivering the modules and have opportunities to network with them.

The opportunity to learn entrepreneurial business skills in the life sciences sector was essential to my choice to study Bio-business. My degree has made me much more confident in understanding the business area of the subject. I was offered a few opportunities to join start-ups as a business advisor, and now have secured a role as a manager, so I have left my lab role.

London is a hub for all-around development and all industries. All world leading companies have offices in London or around it. You have the opportunity to meet and establish good relationships with international professionals coming to London for conferences or meetings.  And because Birkbeck students study in the evenings, you can be involved in daily London life.

Romina Durigon, Bio-business student: I was drawn to Bio-business by the desire to gain a deeper knowledge of the biotech and pharma sectors while networking and connecting with some of the most important companies and not-for-profit organisations in the UK.

I also wanted to understand how innovation shapes science and technology or vice-versa, as well as to study entrepreneurship finance, entrepreneurship innovation and management. This program is enabling me to write a business plan, to learn more about venture capitalist firms, investments, and other major factors impacting the growth or the failure of a business.

Studying both life sciences and business skills has enabled me to explore with more awareness of the various market opportunities and thus thinking more carefully about my next job. Dr Renos Savva, the Director of MSc Bio-Business knows and understands entrepreneurship very well and very often advises us about entrepreneurial skills and attitude. His knowledge together with his previous entrepreneurial biotech experience and advice are among the most important assets of this master’s. I would highly recommend the master’s if you are entrepreneurial or want to be an entrepreneur.

Bio-business students have the opportunities to know about the latest innovative technologies used in academia, biotech and pharma sectors. They have the chance to apply for internships in various companies and thus learn new skills while studying for their master.  More importantly, students will have the opportunity to liaise with the speakers invited to give a seminar and attend career track events where they can connect directly with employers and entrepreneurs.

The master’s has helped me to create a larger network and build new relationships with people that otherwise I would not be able to be in contact with or meet. By liaising with them I have the opportunity to discuss jobs’ opportunities, ask for advice or connect with someone else working in the sector that I most interested in.

Find out more and apply to study MSc Bio-business at Birkbeck.